Saturday 8 April 2017

Life Changes

Image result for sons in the wilderness

Sons are the greatest invention for men, husbands, brothers, uncles, and grandfather to comprehend their lineage, their heritage, their pride, joy, and very being. This had been a new calling to me for a decade coming into a family of testosterone. Being brought up in the lofty air of estrogen, it was new encapsulating, invigorating, enchanting, and sublime all at once. I failed so often at comprehending how to interact, soft voice, strong emotions and actions, I hope they view it humorously now, after years of praying, I believe they know my element was in nature, not in a home, and this is where we communed with nature and one another.

They are men now, and like their father are venturing into new frontiers in the wilderness of love, careers, self-awareness, life and the tremendous blessings God has bestowed upon them. Observance has been my greatest gift watching men interact, listening to their hearts, souls, and desires, pour onto the dinner table with a craft beer in hand vulnerably accepted.

What is the definition of a man- physically, metaphorically, psychologically, and literally, in the complexities of life, this household is profound for truths. Rawness aches at the superficial level as it seeps to unveil the layers of societal norms from reality. As each child comes to terms with their capacity, their boundaries, their expansiveness and influence. Who they truly are to themselves and the world.

Just today we saw a young 30 year old musician in his element unbound, unplugged, singing solo on in an empty cafĂ© completely encapsulated by his talent. It was clear he needed no one to entertain his ego his eyes closed moving within his melody pressing viscerally inward making love to his music. I always wonder if every human could reach this level of connection with the self, would we need conflict, disconnection, war. It gave me permission to grieve the times I haven't been honest with myself.

We only have one life one short chance at befalling, let not a second evaporate without purpose.

Bless the sons of the world to be honest to themselves first, to truly grasp who they are, their joys, their fear, their vulnerabilities, their values and beliefs. May they always be good to themselves, listen to their hearts, know what they want on a daily basis and see that true peace comes from relationships not earthly gifts. Recall the memories of friendship existing in simple places. Remember our humble beginning return to them often assist those less fortunate for this is where the heart opens fills and refills plentiful again and again.