Saturday 10 June 2017

The Agenda


Image result for the hidden agenda - Bart Simpson on today's royal agenda

“When are you going to stand up for yourself? I would have stopped her in her tracks, gave her the eye, and put an end to it.”

“You have the capacity to not be a victim.”

“I just realized it had been going on for some time this week.”

Tangled in a web of deceit, what does God ask of us? I held it out to him, time and again in the last 24 hours and I realized, I’d been away from worship too long and that I have the ability to stop it. I stopped it once before, and she understood the consequences and now with just a few weeks left in our term I would have to do it again.

Sabotage, the willful act of destroying or damaging something with intent to hurt or injure. That says it all, my question time and again is why me? Why not look internally at what your issues are, I keep to myself, don’t gossip, and question my morals and work ethic daily.

My husband said it best, “When someone doesn’t feel good about themselves, they attack others, regardless that they have no clue to what crosses others are carrying.

Luke 6 27-36 Calls us to command out thoughts and take action. Love thy enemy. Wow!, alright find ways to reach out to those that have issues with us, without understanding why, simply do good.

“God help me find a path that is righteous to do this work in my mind and in body. Let it be genuine and help me comprehend not their agenda, simply how to build a bond in the grand canyon, for me to be humble in my approach and not look for immediate responses.”