Wednesday 3 September 2014

Life in Cap Pele

Once the laundry had been hung on the line today, I noted dragon flies making love while in flight, not just one, countless. My eyes were riveted, what had I been missing. Fluidly, tenderly they roam the air in pairs, consecrating their love, no simple reproduction. I have no idea if they mate for life, so it might be rather utilitarian. Nonetheless, why don’t we fly around?

This fresh air is truly getting to me. Meditation after daily prayer is an exercise I have vowed to do. My lofty goals of an hour crumpled the first day I opened my eyes and noted that a mere 11 minutes had vanished, I almost stared laughing. I do believe it is good for the soul to be centered, so I will persist.

Tim’s is exactly 3 km. on a curved route, passed homes, a massive RV park where sardines would find more room than they have and a couple large buildings with who know what’s inside. I have my suspicions. The locals gather daily and in droves, you think they actually liked the product? I could make a fortune in this town if I opened a café, with Press Café. Lines of men on either side of the table 20 strong discuss the industry, politics, we have an election people, and they discuss their lives. If the library is open I go there to write, and the idea of me being here was to write, yet the landscape as you might have gathered has captivated me, I have been absolutely immersed into its elegance. The internet hasn’t worked in the full week and 2 days I have been here. Sporadically it spurts itself to life, like an adolescent trying to line up his lips for a first kiss, there is no finesse.
The town is so small they must wonder who this Albertan is driving around each day, going about her business, but not really doing anything of worth. Or so they think, I’m writing about them.
Nightlife is riveting. I finally figured out in a cabin with no internet, no T.V. and no telephone how to use my computer to view movies. If you know me, I watch 3 a year, and that’s on a good year. So as mentioned before I am coming along. I watched the “The Help” and cried my eyes out long after it was over. Why are humans so utterly poisonous to one another? Books are my thing, the other 4 films might have to wait for another year.

The CIA secrecy justifies itself in the name of freedom, seems at odds with one another. Sweet Tooth a novel by Ian McEwan has captured me. Espionage and the famous five Cambridge men - Deutsch, Kingdom, Philby, Burgess, and Blunt notion are woven into this love story with a back drop of chaos. The paranoia that was felt in Britain during the Cold War of the '50's has some persistence along with the setting in the '70's with the author himself that has placed his personal life into the book . It sounds all too close to what I am missing back home with the Catholics, not to mention the priest here that have got themselves in hot water too.

It was another goal of mine to enter the bay waters each day. That quickly came to a halt after several storms, most named after women, flew through here, toppling chairs, all the potted plants, and sending the garbage cans over to the neighbor’s yards. Dan says it was just a breeze, compared to when he watched electrical poles snap like toothpicks. Always a competitive edge with a N.S. trying to outdo the N.B. It scared me right out of my sleeplessness, which I am averaging about 5.5 hours a night, thought I would be averaging about 9, must be Hal’s absence.

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