Sunday 7 February 2016

Conformity is not a choice

When conformity isn't a choice and your conscious is screaming for you to witness the truth, there is little choice but to stand for what you know to be true, even when lies are being hammered out right in front of you.

Christ has asked us to witness his truth, standing up to slanderous letters, and voices at all levels and letting them know in action what you are made of, your convictions, your fundamental beliefs, values, knowing you will be chastised, ousted, and ridiculed vehemently by those that have never stopped to think about what they are believing in, how their need to fit in affects the most vulnerable in society, and how their incapacity to stop and reflect about what Christ stood for, really means.

To denounce an act is one thing, but to blatantly fear mongrel thousands of people with hypocrisies, using God's name to judge those who are different, those that are on the fringe of society, those that have been reaching out for our care, has crossed a line I will never conform too.

Making claims that evil needs to be rid from our society and that if we allow these people into our schools ALL children will be affected, like a disease. The only disease is that of an institute that isn't willing to look at every human as a creation of God, and made perfect in his image, and that our job as humans is, TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOR.

Think of the parents, the millions of  parents who would never have chosen this for their child, yet they are turned away by the institute when they need support the most. All the beliefs they have had over the decades, are those all lies, who are they to turn to now.....the secular world. For they might receive far more care, honesty and compassion in a time when we all need to walk humbly with God. When we all need to be reaching out to one another, being accepting of all people regardless, of gender, age, preference, or creed.

Today I left the institute, didn't sign the doctrine they claim will push back on legislation, today and each day forth I will never allow an  ecclesiastical to claim to know God's will. For they have deeply missed Christ purpose and our service to him. Instead of standing by his principals and going it alone, he spoke for us, lured congregations to do his work. Used the Papal's name to claim what is right and just, making it alright to straighten those broken, to fix those souls damaged and condemn their acts.

If asked if you conform, think about what it is you are doing, who is being affected and what Christ has placed on your heart, yesterday, today and tomorrow, it might allow you to reflect on what Mother Teresa said, "If you are judging others, you have no room to love."
We come to Christ in mercy and in so doing he gives us grace.

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