Tuesday 16 February 2016


Victuals dripping with innuendoes lacking luster might be what you think about Valentines, until you read on.
This Valentines I decided to observe the world for a long week-end recording its boons. To my surprise love isn't a four letter word soaked in rhyming poetry from Hallmark's for those with no time, talent or energy to write. Wilting flowers, nor Belgium chocolate adorned my home nor many others yet true gratitude was abundant.
Long walks in Longview allowed time to reflect, a common trait most have forgotten, or never had the pleasure either to indulge in or been taught. Perhaps schools might replace grammar lessons with empathy, compassion and adulation.
Grandparents patted one another's arm strolling along the Glenmore Reservoir for hours, while others sipped sweet teas in a local café gazing into one another's souls after 45 years. Movie goers chose films that provoked concepts instead of adrenalin, choosing to voice less of their dislikes, silenced by  philosophies.
Restaurants reduced their succulent sauces with attainable phonological verbs keeping change for a late night cocoa. Fashion writhed a dramatic drop in real-estate, as K-mart became Vogue once again.
Our world, Alberta, Calgarian's came to grips with what most of the world lives with on a daily basis, basic sustenance. The value and life force of what it means to have a meal, a warm bed, a hot shower, clothing and water. Humanity is beginning to become rekindled in a province, city and people that have lived so far above their means, and at what cost? Repossessed credit cards, clothes, cars and now homes, was borrowed time on our tongue, with bitter essence now our only spice. Think of the potential that can come from where we are right now, to begin a new as a people, city, and province. Potentials are unsurpassed, if moving away from addictive drug of finance and titles are allowed.
This is where the true Valentines appear, the hero's in all of us, every single last one of us, this is where cupid meets the heart, the heart of a city, and province.

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