Sunday 16 July 2017

Wild West Wrangles an Eastern Heart

July 16th

Father Joseph from South America gave a resounding message about God's pruning. Gospel was stacotic as he pushed words into being that a congregation seems unable to swallow.
"As a child, he bellowed, I hated being repremanded." His words had hardly left his mouth when a flood of all my follies rushed like a raging river into my mind brimming over the edges, tilting my head to keep them from overflowing into the next seat and loving those that hadn't given up guiding me.
"Do we really know ourselves, he said, or do we enter life, marriage and all relations  yearning never to be chastised. Wow! Another ephiphany.
God was loving sending others to assist us and like stubborn storms we refused to subside, and stampped our feet in defiance. His gospel filled my soul yearning to rest at his feet in his protection, his care, kindness and generosity for the day.

The laundromat was the perfect place to put prayer into practise, as our untouchable decided to have a play date with someone else's, laughter erupted in place of fear, anger, and true embarrassment. Clothing a life of their own tumbling into new beings that spring forth from design, concepts, material, sizes, countries, I'll paid labourers into my hands and for what to ward off inclement weather when all I truly yearn is to be one with nature, to wear her clothes.

Beer, Hal's second friend, depth, tasteful, bubbly, and forever looking for new opportunities to exist. Winterlong - hosted an Alberta crew of barmaids, brew master and clients. Alberta barley swept tastes of prairie into each sip savouring long hues of earthly tones over and over reaching perfection on one's nose. A francophone contingency converged on the fringe of the brewery children drawing, while women folk sipped flavours their men gulped life into their kin. A game of cribbage brought laughter as rules were made up en -route to accommodate victory for moi. Vogue 30 somethings were now becoming beer connosouirs that our generation could have only hoped for. Along with the IPA they slurped, and sucked oysters centuously while making love in their minds.

Libraries are my sanctuary as Hal receives more notes from old students that want to meet up for a pint, they are everywhere, just yesterday in the middle of WHitehorse, he met up with parents of 3 children he had taught. They invited us to dine in their 5th wheels and we could hardly believe the lap of luxury I'd been missing miling around on the ground in our tent. I also saw a story rich in content of a family death, an inheritance, sentiments, not yearing someone else's hardships. Sleep came easy as our pod cast left us deserted on an island of ideas about morality, to what extreme the human mind would go to hang onto it, or alleviate the disappointment of knowing it was easily abated.

Godspeed from Whitehorse.

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