Sunday 3 January 2016

In the Beginning

A new year is upon us and with it comes 
A recipe for Love

Each one of us comes into this world developing values, beliefs and for most we are lured to a passion. One of mine is righteousness, it began early in life, as my parents exposed me to far too many scenes, and episodes through novels, films, and travel of those that didn't get the chance to experience truths. Thus,according to my husband, I am overly conscious of trying to right the wrongs of the world, I like to think of it as simply acknowledging reality. Lest to say beyond the human condition, sin, the secular rule, I have never understood why we haven't captured, bottled, and sold peace. There are many that have succeeded at a particular cause, U Thant, Leca Walesa, Thich Naht Hanh, Betty Williams, Malala Yousafzai, and Sri Chinmoy, I am speaking of living for peace alone.

Today our priest compared abortions to what Harod was doing in Galilei by slaughtering all babes under the age of 2, and how both justified their killings for their own purpose, their own lifestyle, agenda and comfort. What if at birth we were brought into a community, as they say - it takes a village to raise a child - and early participated in a communal responsibility to care for others. Recognizing self worth through kinship, kindness, not the latest shade of lipstick. Schools have sought to teach academia at the expense of teaching connections, at a great loss to the individual and community. Western culture idealizes independence while suicide rates sore regardless of age, gender, race and financial eminence. Africans have a saying - the saddest day in a man's life is when he thinks he can do it on his own, for they know the value of relationship. God made us empty to seek him and to rely on one another, this was a plan, not some fictitious dream. Why have we tunneled our vision to only the eye of the needle, instead of dreaming, illuminating a prism beyond this world, to an unknown so wild, so feral, not even our frenetic thoughts can glimpse at its realm.

Today we begin our journey to the other side....We begin a germ of solidarity, rich loam of ignorance with a visceral sense of purpose, taking on this mission indubitably yet assiduously.

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