Sunday 24 January 2016


Mid-afternoon our living room is flooded with sunlight illuminating an acrylic painting splashingmintgreen, apple red, orange, sunflower yellow, sky blues, and birch trees as the day awaits my intentions.The luxury of having a moments to reflect, look out onto the horizon and dream. With the world waging wars seemingly so far off, this is where rejuvenation occurs amongst collected thoughts, steeped in my gratitude for what I have been provided. It seems illogical that this existence
of simplicity, is so spiritually rich. God has provided so graciously for our family. Mother nature blessed us this morning snowing lightly as our feet trudged up mountain paths filling our lungs with new blueprints that will not leave an imprint when we are gone.

An Indian comedian spoke about that if all human slept an hour longer each day, it would substantially decrease the destruction of our earth. I have held onto his words for decades rising simply to observe my breath, my thoughts, and my surrounding. Nature has nourished me since birth, blessed with parents who brought it into our existence daily. Design is innate, I think in tessellations , contours, prisms hoping to find opportunity to expose students their creativity through these mediums, along with a healthy dose of music, which abundantly teaches us all.

Water lilies exposed themselves to me at three with scents, blossoms, patterns, reflections, surface tension in their floating leaves, now that was magic. Nature has continued to mesmerize my soul. Loving the fact that most will never know I've walked, hiked, climbed in front of or behind thousands as I try to leave no mark.

With a society that is so keen to explore the unknown, seek the unheard, and taste the bazaar, if we could all do this knowing what ever we created couldn't have a large impact for the many generations to come, perhaps those are who should be receiving the Nobel Peace Awards. I recall our first microwave and the hundreds that ended up in the think of all the technology in the last 20 years, how much have we thrown out so easily never thinking about the impact of mother earth, how much can she absorb, decay, and break-up, now create similar technologies without the path, that is worthy. What is the future of the water lilies?

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