Thursday 14 January 2016

Love beyond....


Today at work I was pushed beyond boundaries I hadn't experienced before. Staff becoming petty with one another leaving me exhausted emotionally, physically, and unwilling to go to the distance.

God's always given me strength to reach out, and when they came calling after several bouts of stupidity I assisted naturally then recoiled, realizing that it is in the wisdom of experience that their is no "I" in team. Teaching others to come forward is rarely easily, yet necessary for building capacity.

I crawled into my car feeling overwhelmed and defeated and turned my thoughts inwards. I slowly unwound yet not enough to not tell my husband, and together we sat in prayer. What allowed me to truly know I was off, was the lack of beauty I saw on route home. Travelling past Nose Hills strewn with deer grazing on the southern slopes, grasping the last warmth of sunlight while peering sporadically for preying foxes and coyotes. Blowing grass fluttering in the light breeze catching the hues of light washing over the hillside blesses my eyes and soul daily. And the fact I was so focused on other's driving was a telltale sign.

When I lifted it to God he placed it in the right compartment and priority. I am truly amazed after all these years with God, how human I am, and his wondrous capacity to deal with our issues, when and if we allow him into our hearts, souls, and agendas. He graciously transforms us. I'm humbled to tears often by God's creation in nature, rejuvenation of my being begins here. May I always be drawn near to him here.

1 comment:

  1. have discovered your posts by chance and appreciating the content.....much seems like familiar ground....
