Tuesday 19 January 2016


Peter might not have believed it was possible to have hope for an alternate path. He followed with many doubts keeping focused, with constant prompts heaving his life into the storm only to have it saved again and again and again.

Today with the knowledge we have, his wisdom, evidence, we continuously falter in our faith, looking to this world for answer that will never come. I explain to my students that throughout our lives if we keep his word, prayer, fellowship, and holy spirit in the center of our focus we will fall, and he will be there with arms open to catch our bodies, tears, minds and souls. Difficult as it might be, the sooner we learn that this world will never satiate us, the sooner we learn to be enveloped by his love that is completely unsurpassed.

My grade 12's are reading "Night" and I'm humbled by every word, every deed a human race can be moved to preserve their minds, their souls, and their existence. How can one have hope knowing in the end you will die, or is that the simple task having hope because you know?

I am challenging my students to form a chart that will allow them to learn about their culture, who is the dominant country, people and their purpose in crushing another race and for what cause? They are becoming aware, terrified, that as humans we are still doing this to one another with few positive results. So why haven't we learned from our predecessors? Oh! we have, we just turn a blind eye claiming our agenda is above those of the past. Is that why Putin was allowed to host the Olympics and then invade Ukraine, Trump spews hatred yetis revered by millions, Isis kills tens in France and still exists, an endless list ensues.

Hope, it allows us to rise each day knowing 90% of the world does believe in goodness, even when we cut one another off racing out of the church parking lot and curse, whilst the rosary hangs from our rear view mirror. We are humans and everyday we need to remind ourselves, pinch ourselves, that in this wild wonderland we call earth, there is a deep purpose for hope to exist.

It allows us to see past our present reality,  into a realm unworldly, unfathomable to most, but not you. It brings a plan, a method to our value and worth. If we look for blessings they appear minute by minute, if our hearts are open to them, we are flooded, in our patience there is abundance. Help one another in gratitude, respect and treat others are you would like to be treated. That is hope.

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