Monday 4 January 2016



Stabs of anger linger, then recoil and strike for my desire to comprehend why as humans we haven't captured the quintessence of how to live harmoniously. My addiction to Burma began when my father lived/worked in Rangoon in the 50's. I have studied their countries history for 20 years, admitting ignorance yet always yearning an opportunity to lose my soul in a country so plagued by corruption that I have given up hope. Yet in the same breath I have renewed my drive to speak to the myriad of generals and military men that have slaughtered their own people and ask why? Have their lives gained such wealth by doing so? I have read not, and yet for 60 years this country has been mired with minority groups undermined and petulant attacks of its own people that even the 1988 student uprising was punctured with abscesses.

I can't imagine an entire people to be flummoxed, they are well educated and have suffered so much, why persist? Not a country that exists is not choked with historical regret, but to continue on knowing there is an alternative, and yes I realized many countries other than Burma are living with ambient animosity. Can it be so simple as greed and power? Can a human master serpentine ingenuity knowing the truth exists. It is solely a matter of survival, what about the millions of people that have lived through this. I am sickened by my sense of entitlement, living in Canada, just by sheer luck, while someone else, has been born into a country, with no means of escaping, has to subsists with little hope of change.

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